Hydraulic lifts with or without engine room
The Hydraulic lift is the ideal solution for your building!
In general, the installation of a hydraulic lift offers a very good quality of movement and is a reliable option.
It is widely used thanks to the lower cost of construction and installation in buildings with a small number of stops using mainly residential and low traffic levels.
Movement and stopping are smooth, offering comfort to users. They have automation panels with automatic release function in case of power failure.
Lifts that do not have the required engine room space, have the ability to drive the engine inside the shaft or in a specially designed box type BOX.
For even better behavior of the hydraulic lift and not to be affected by a temperature difference, our company uses the electronic group of valves.
Motorized elevators with engine room
The “conventional” elevators with motor and counterweight that are manufactured from the appearance of the elevator to the appearance of the hydraulic elevator. In conventional elevators, the drive mechanism is located in a separate area (engine room) on the roof of the building usually.
The mechanical motors of the conventional elevators that exist are with one or two speeds.
Inverter technology (VVVF) and thus have low power consumption and smooth start and stop on the floors.
The movement of the mechanical lifts is carried out through the ropes and the friction pulley in the driving mechanism of the elevator.
They are usually used in buildings with high traffic and in high-rise buildings.
Elevators Without Engine Room MRL
Ideal for buildings with high transport requirements, long distances and aesthetics.
They use an improved engine to transmit the drive.
It is the most modern type of elevator you place to save space in the building. Their drive mechanism is located inside a shaft, while the control panel is integrated in a space next to it.
They offer a unique sense of movement with the use of an inverter that offers excellent advantages, smooth start, stop and absolute accuracy at the stop level, quiet operation, high speed multiple trips per hour without overheating problems.
Mainly driven by the economy, electricity consumption is more environmentally friendly due to lower energy consumption.
In the event of a total power outage, it is possible to install a release system from the elevator.
MRL belt systems

The motor without gearbox and motor with permanent magnets is 70% smaller than conventional motors, controlled by inverter and provides quiet and comfortable movement with excellent stop accuracy, energy savings and reduced maintenance costs.

Polyurethane coated flat steel straps are up to 20% lighter and last up to 3 times longer than conventional ropes.

The belt control system constantly monitors the condition of the ropes 24/7.
Differences with older systems:
• The gearless motor is controlled by an inverter and offers a comfortable movement with excellent stopping accuracy.
• Low idle motor, without gearbox, with motor with permanent magnets means energy savings and reduced maintenance costs.
• The belts and the gearless motor do not need to be lubricated and therefore protect the environment.
• The interaction of the flat, coated belt with the smooth surface of the grooved pulleys leads to reduced belt wear.
• Flexible belt means smaller machine which eliminates the need for engine room.
• The belt control system continuously monitors the condition of the ropes 24/7.
• With the motor in the guides, the loads are transferred down to the shaft reducing construction costs.
• The construction and components of the system comply with European Elevator Instructions and Standards.
The advantages of the new system are:
• Reduced power consumption
• Optimal utilization of the well
• Quick installation
• Low maintenance
• Environmentally friendly
• Compliance with safety regulations (EN 81-1A3, EN 82-28, and EN 81-58)
The new system can be used in both old and new elevators, with or without engine room (MRL), while it can also operate with single phase 220 V power supply.
In addition, in high-traffic buildings where high cab speeds and movements are required, the new system can replace the piston and pump of an old hydraulic elevator while keeping the rest of it intact (cab, doors, drivers).
MRL projector

MRL central

MRL renovation package